Strong Leadership, Real Results

A clear vision for safety, security, and responsible governance in Edmonton.

Welcome to my official campaign website.

My name is Stephen Hammerschmidt, and I’m committed to making Edmonton City Centre a safer, more prosperous place for everyone. My priorities are clear: restoring safety and security, ensuring responsible use of taxpayer dollars, and focusing on the needs of our community. Join me as we work together to build a better Edmonton—one that respects its citizens and creates lasting positive change.

My vision for Edmonton City Centre is straightforward: return safety, security, and accountability to our neighbourhoods and government.

Platform & Policies

As your councillor, my policies focus on making Edmonton City Centre safer, financially responsible, and focused on practical solutions:

  • Safe Streets

    Relocate large shelters to smaller, well-managed facilities and prevent social agencies from operating near schools, churches, and playgrounds.

  • Responsible Taxes

    Roll back the 2024 tax increase and freeze future hikes to respect taxpayer dollars.

  • A Better Edmonton

    Prioritise essential services, pause unnecessary projects, and ensure policies serve the community's real needs.